I am a Kerryman and a Research Fellow and Politics Lecturer in the College of Business at the TUDublin. I am also a founding director of the College’s Business, Society and Sustainability Research Center, and am a former Chair of the Comparative Public Policy Section of the Midwest Political Science Association in the US.
A graduate of the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University (2005), my research focuses on how policy paradigms can help us understand policy development and change, and improved policy measures to ensure greater transparency and accountability in democracies.
I have published extensively in international political science journals such as Policy Studies Journal, Politics, The Political Quarterly and Acta Politica, on comparative public policy and lobbying regulation. I have written and edited a number of books on policy analysis, policy paradigms, global lobbying regulations, Irish politics and society and research methodologies.
I have served on the editorial boards of a number of journals, particularly Policy Studies Organisation (PSO) journals. I am also a reviewer for some of the leading political science journals in the world.
I am a regular panel convener, chair, discussant and participant at the APSA, MPSA , ICPP, ECPR, PSA and PSAI conferences.
I have consulted with and advised the Irish, Czech, UK governments, and the EU Parliament and Commission, on matters to do with lobbying and lobbying regulation, transparency and accountability.
An IRCHSS Research Fellow for both my MA and PhD (1999-2001; 2002-2005) in the School of Law and Government in Dublin City University, where I was supervised by Prof. Robert Elgie and Prof. Gary Murphy, I conducted my postdoctoral research in the Department of Political Science, Trinity College Dublin (2005-2007). Over the years I have won over half a million euros in research funding in Ireland and overseas.
Formerly a DIT Teaching Fellow, I lecturer on Irish politics and international political economy. In 2016 I was made a College of Business Research Fellow.
I welcome inquiries from potential research students (research masters or Ph.D) particularly in the areas of policy studies and lobbying regulation policy.
Click here to view my CV. Email me at john.hogan@tudublin.ie
Click here to view my Google Scholar Account